Archive for December, 2009

Gender of souls

Wednesday, December 23rd, 2009

QUESTION: Masters, do souls have a permanent gender? When a soul decides to reincarnate into a female body, can the soul be male at the time of entering the body? My friend received channeled information for me and according to her, my soul is a male although my body is now female. So, if I die, when the soul goes home to Source, will it be a male soul or female? It is kind of confusing to me.         ~May, Malaysia

ANSWER: Do souls have a sexually significant gender? That is are they either male or female, a male/female hybrid, or sexless? No. What you understand as a person’s sex is part of the duality of planet Earth. Outside of the dimension of Earth there is no duality—no opposites, so therefore no sexual differences. A soul has all the characteristics that are emotionally considered to be male or female on Earth, all in one package.

When humans channel they can only interpret the vibrational information they receive in terms of their own human experience. If they have never been exposed to the understanding that an entity such as a soul does not need to have a sex, they may feel obligated to assign a sex anyway. This is because, in their knowledge base, all beings have a sexual orientation.

Since a soul has all of what you consider to be the characteristics of both sexes together in a single container, the energetic feelings of any portion of that container are both male and female. If channels access the female energy they will think you are female. If they access the male energy they will swear you are male—yet you are energetically both. You have chosen to spend this experience in a female body.

When you are at Home, you are a soul without a specific sexual designation but with all of the feelings that enable you to play either role, as you choose, whenever you come to Earth.

A. J. Miller

Wednesday, December 23rd, 2009

QUESTION: Is A. J. Miller the reincarnation of Jesus? Are the teachings he gives correct?    ~James, Australia

ANSWER: The soul commonly known as Jesus of Nazareth, whose cosmic name is Sananda, does not choose to be incarnate upon the Earth again because by remaining at Home he can advise so many souls simultaneously. Incarnation restricts the number of contacts possible at any one time. That said, he does communicate with tens of thousands of incarnates (human beings) on a personal basis at any given time.

There are times when Mr. Miller hears the words of Jesus; however, he tends to  filter the words to suit his own needs. He takes information coming through and fits it into his interpretation of the biblical representation of the “hierarchy of God” and the life of the soul who was called Jesus while on Earth.

As with any words and messages allegedly coming through from higher dimensions (these written here included), we encourage that you believe and follow them only if they resonate with you. What will feel right to you at one time may not feel right tomorrow or next week. That is perfectly fine because each day, if you are aware and open, you are learning and growing in understanding. Just as basic addition from elementary school will not assist you with geometry, your wisdom about life changes and allows you to see and understand more complex situations, causing your reality to shift and change.

Mr. Miller is doing a service to society in helping people to question their beliefs and to see if they are serving their current position along their journey. Anyone or anything that prompts a soul to inquire about its purpose is beneficial. Accept what feels right and discard everything else.

Using your abilities

Wednesday, December 23rd, 2009

QUESTION: Masters, when I was 33 years old, I had an awakening experience, whereby, after being healed by a blue being of light, I could heal people and see energy, auras, and inside people. Now at age 48, I feel frustrated, as my energy sight has diminished. I am struggling to make money. I no longer know what I should do to be of service to the light. Could you please offer me any guidance?                        ~Marc, UK

ANSWER: First, lighten up on yourself. Part of your difficulty is that expectations have clouded your abilities. If you relax and let the light flow, everything will take care of itself. You must step back from any specific expectation for the outcome of any use of the light. Concentrating on third-dimensional energy, such as money, diminishes the connection to the higher vibrations needed to access the universal energy as you did before with such ease.

You have not lost any of your abilities. Questioning them only holds them at bay. Go into a meditation and ask: what is it that I fear? You have lost faith in yourself and your connection to Source. You are living in a world of lack, for you accept that that is your current status and therefore attract such energy to you. Value your abilities and they will provide a direction for you.

Needing to know what to do is an indication that you wish to control your direction in life. That is a conscious need. Trust your higher self, the unconscious aspect. Life becomes easier as you jump into the flow with the knowledge that it will take you where you need to go to experience what you need to experience. It is as easy as that.