Archive for August, 2009

Internet romance

Wednesday, August 19th, 2009

QUESTION: Masters, I recently met and fell in love with a woman on the Internet. We emailed each other every day for several months and I finally told her that I loved her and thought she was my twin flame. Things got too emotional and now she ignores me and does not email me anymore. This makes me feel very empty at times. My question is: was I wrong about her being my twin flame and will I hear from her again?    ~Michael, USA

ANSWER: You find yourself in a situation of mixed signals being sent back and forth over the World Wide Web. While you were trolling for a serious hookup, the young lady was just out to have some anonymous fun. She also wanted to see how far she could go with you. For you it was reality; for her it was an imaginary world. She was telling you what she thought you wanted to hear so that you would continue the contact.

When you receive positive reinforcement of all your hopes and dreams from a person, that person begins to feel like your twin flame. Unfortunately, if she is just playing a role, you are sensing the part she is playing and not her true essence. The identity of your email friend is not what you have been led to believe. She is not your twin flame or even a soul mate of yours.

When you indicated to her that you had strong feelings for her, it came as a shock to her because she was just out to have some fun. She has a number of guys whom she is stringing along online with romantic insinuations. It was all just a game to her. You, on the other hand, saw it as real and created certain expectations based upon her representations. These images you created, when unfulfilled, caused an emptiness to appear within you.

At the present time she is scared. Your intensity is beyond anything she has been faced with before and she is unable to figure out what to do. Her response has been to ignore that you even exist. As of this time, she does not intend to re-establish contact with you.

Educational methods

Wednesday, August 19th, 2009

QUESTION: Masters, I am trying to decide what kind of school education I should guide my son into. There are currently two options open to me. One would be a Steiner education (known in large portions of the world as Waldorf instruction), which is wonderfully child-centered and spiritual. It is based on tenets with which I mostly agree, but which I fear may lack some of the academic punch that my son may require in later years. The other option is a more mainstream, traditional education which will no doubt be seen as CV-worthy later, but which I feel will not support him on a creative and spiritual level within a system that favours hierarchy, conformity, and academic exams at an age when a child should be playing and experiencing. Can you please advise me on what might best suit the needs of my son in this life?                            ~ Victoria, Switzerland

ANSWER: Your son is a very special child who has come down to be on Earth at this time to help out humanity. It will not assist him in his mission if he becomes fixated on competitiveness and judgment. These characteristics are the antithesis of the Steiner method and the basis of the standard educational model. While any soul’s journey is to learn to exercise its freedom of choice, at his age your child is unable to do that for himself at this time.

If you feel the school that you have chosen is able to meet the basic beginning educational needs for your son, then you cannot go wrong. It will take a number of years for a pattern to develop and for your son to establish his unique pathway of inquiry. You and he will be able to tell in a few years if he is getting what he needs from the school you place him in. Starting in one direction does not mean you can never change and go in another.

If at some time he chooses to try the other method, allow him to do so if he is able to articulate reasons for his choice. He will be absorbing material at an incredible rate as long as he is continually stimulated. He needs many various experiences to develop, not a patterned structure of memorization.

While curriculum vitae are considered by some to show the measure of a man, the personality will sink or obliterate an impression gathered from mere paperwork. The ultimate goal you seek is to mold and educate your son so that he takes full advantage of his entire essence.

Gathering positive energy

Wednesday, August 19th, 2009

QUESTION: Masters, please help me! I read in a book, Ask and It Is Given, that if other people pay attention to your manifestations they will grow. Does that mean that if I talked with many people about negative things in my relationship, that those peoples’ thoughts now might stand in the way of manifesting a better relationship? Or is it just my own worry that it might end that stands in the way? My relationship feels better than before, but I can´t stop worrying. A psychic warned me some years ago that my husband might leave if I didn’t stop being so negative; she also said I might save the relationship if I got happier. I do feel happier and calmer now. My husband doesn´t seem to have any plans to leave me. How can I let go of my fear and live more in the present?                                    ~Erika, Sweden

ANSWER: We shall repeat one of our mantras here: Energy is everything and everything is energy! Incarnate beings having an experience on planet Earth are swimming around in a mixture of negative and positive energy. Likes tend to lump together, so the more negative you are, the more negativity you attract. When you speak negative thoughts, the negativity increases with each additional person who picks up that negative thought. The negativity remains, unless and until you replace it with positivity.

Since you are becoming happier (less negative) and calmer (more positive) you will begin to send off only positive energy. This will gather to you additional positive energy, which will increase and grow as long as you do not stand in its way by spending time thinking negative things.

Whatever has been told to you in the past can be changed by the way you view it in the present. Your husband loves you and has no thought of leaving you. Why do you insist on thinking that it is a possibility? If you “see” something negative happening you are telling the universe you think you need to experience just such an event, “please set it in motion so that I may experience it.” If you see happiness it will be forthcoming.

Since humans are all feeling beings, if you emit fear, those who are fearful will flock to you and those that shun fear will try to get far away from you. If you insist on thinking your husband may leave, you are giving him the unconscious feeling that you don’t want him around.

What you need to do is identify the fears in your life and douse them with love. Accept that you have a loving family and that you deserve them. When you start feeling down, think of the happiest times in your life and bring that loving positive energy into the present. Reaffirm to yourself several times a day how you are blessed and that you seek to exist only in positive, loving energy.