Archive for the ‘Personal Problems’ Category

Getting another to understand you

Tuesday, July 9th, 2019

QUESTION: Masters, I have recently moved away to another country after years of trying to settle in an extremely unhappy relationship. However, I have also made the choice to leave my children with their father while I set myself up. I have consciously tried to be in contact with my children’s essence during this process and I have always received love and positive motivation from them on that level regarding my decision. But as children they obviously feel strong emotions. My elder daughter has said that mum does not love her enough to stay and my younger one wishes to live with me. Could you help me get some insight on a human emotional level about how are they dealing with this? And guide me on how to communicate with them at this point to help them navigate this situation. ~Dolly, India

ANSWER: Each one of you involved in this situation had chosen to be presented with these facts. Of course, with amnesia, no one is consciously aware of that. Your daughters wanted to work on lessons of abandonment, guilt (feeling it’s partially their fault you have left), sadness, and helplessness.

Your lessons include self-love, self-confidence, and honoring your own journey. Even though you bore the children, your lessons are still yours and can only be dealt with by you. You do not have a spiritual obligation toward them. Most feel there is a society responsibility.

Right now, they are very confused and believe you do not love them or you wouldn’t have left them. You did not spend enough time explaining to them what you were going to do and why you felt you had to leave.

Talking to your daughters’ essences, or higher selves, will give you an idea only of what the soul understands – it does not give you the emotions of the human. Only direct conversations with each girl will give them an idea of what you are doing. You need to treat each one individually, not both as a set.

You will not be able to get a good read on how they are reacting to this change in their life until you speak face to face with them. It could be done over Skype or FaceTime.

Fear of old age

Tuesday, July 2nd, 2019

QUESTION: Masters why do I have such fear of old age? (no fear of death, just old age, illness, being dependent) What kind of lessons we can learn in old age, and what kind of pleasures can we find? Natural death versus euthanasia – spiritual pros and cons, what is better for future lives? ~Irina, USA

ANSWER: Your first issue is dependency. You have prided yourself on becoming an independent woman and fear the dependency of childhood – mostly because of the lack of control it brings. The things you fear don’t have to be a stage in aging if you are conscious of maintaining your body.

With age should come the culmination of all your life lessons so that you transition from working hard to make the choices that take you out of ego judgment and transport you into unconditionally loving evaluation. Every lesson understood gives you the wisdom to apply the same principles of knowledge to all other facets of your life. This can enhance every aspect of living.

Removed from judgment, replete with wisdom, you can expand into the nirvana of Source-type energy. No more negativity, just the blissful enjoyment of human possibilities only available to the soul when contained in a human body complete with nervous system.

The soul is in total control of the human body it inhabits. It, and it alone, decides when to leave the physical realm and return to the spiritual. There is no restriction on how the soul accomplishes this transition. It can let the body waste away or fail from deterioration or disease, it can choose euthanasia or suicide, or it can just mindfully have the physical systems cease to function.

There are no pros and cons among the choices because, in the spiritual realm, there is no judgment. What happened in one life has absolutely no effect or impact on subsequent lives unless the soul makes that choice. Everything is based on exercising one’s freedom of choice.

Dealing with negativity

Tuesday, June 18th, 2019

QUESTION: Masters what is the contract between my and my husband’s soul and How can I end that. He is emotionally draining. He drains everyone around him and fills them with his negative vibes and blames us that we filled him with negative vibes. He is very unhappy soul and I have tried my best even took him for meditation course. He was ok for few months then his negative side overpowered him, and he left it in the middle and blamed me for wasting his time and caused business loss. Was he my partner in past lives also? I am tired of his negative and draining side. Everyone around him is scared of him. Me, our children, his sister, nephew, niece anyone that gets attached to him gets emotionally drained. How can I help that situation? ~Noni, Canada

ANSWER: You are not involved in any specific contract. What you are doing is living with the lessons you chose versus those chosen by your husband. How you can deal with them is to learn the reasoning behind yours, and then that will release the influence of your husband’s. There are a number of beliefs you cling to that direct the way you see this situation.

Your husband is a magnet for negative energy. This is partially because he has a discarnate attached to him who thrives on negative energy, and partially because he wanted to deal with negativity in this life. You were drawn into his arena because you wished to see if you could recognize and remove yourself from the influence of negative people and activities.

The only thing that will defeat a negative drain is to combat it with unconditionally loving energy. If you and all the others whom he is affecting have the intention for him to be bombarded with unconditional love, it will be so, and his negativity will be overrun. Do not under any circumstances engage in arguing with him because it enhances his negative energy when he thinks he has you cowering.

Cover yourself with the white light of love and teach all the others to do it as well. Ask your guides to protect you from his energy and to help him give up his dependency on the negativity and his attachment. Be proactive and aware of how you are feeling before you become overwhelmed.

You have not shared any other lives with this soul. You determine what your life is like from here on out. Make the choices that increase your positivity and protect yourself from his negativity – you create your own reality. Whenever you feel drained, consciously pull in universal life-force energy from the Source energy that is all around you and available merely through using your intention for it to replace the voids within you.