Archive for the ‘Healing’ Category

Cancer cluster

Tuesday, November 12th, 2019

QUESTION: Masters I am from a small village. It seems there is a lot of cancer cases. Is it something that people wanted to experience? Some emotional blocks and fears developed to illness? Many of these people are born after WW2 or children of these people who were in the war. Or is it some bad chemical or other things they were exposed during their best “working” times. ~Tea, FINLAND

ANSWER: Every soul brings to them the lessons they wished to experience. One of the ways to do this is to be in a situation where you will be exposed to something that will create the lesson you desire. The people who have gotten ill wanted to have some impediment that would present a challenge to them physically, mentally, and emotionally. The family and friends wished to observe their loved ones going through this event and learn from the same energies.

Your area is what is called a cancer cluster resulting from environmental issues. It has more than one cause and is plaguing only those wanting a challenge. It is possible to chase down the causes but that would not change the life lessons chosen. The same type of challenges can be experienced with other forms of disability.

Mother Earth, with the polluting abilities of humanity, is a test tube breeding ground allowing for souls to set up any type of situation needed by them for learning. From one event, hundreds of lessons can spring. Our learning is not limited to individual experiences but also those observed occurring to others.

See what is happening; see how various people handle the same situation differently. This will give you an idea how you could learn from the same type of event if it were presented to you. As a spiritual person, you can help those going through things. Send them unconditional love that they will understand why they chose this test and how to accomplish the desired education.

Energy work

Tuesday, May 21st, 2019

QUESTION: Masters. I have followed your teachings and read everything possible to help people in my holistic care. Some people make incredible changes, some not so much. Is there a way I can bring more energy from unconditional love? Am I doing this job properly? With my son I am not successful in helping him as much as helping other people. What is not clear to me? ~Eu, Brasil

ANSWER: A healing practitioner brings the unconditionally loving energy through from Source and delivers it to their client. That is not the end of the story. The client than has to decide what to do with the energy. They can accept it wholeheartedly, they can reject it, they can accept it with restrictions, or they can ignore it. No matter what you think, the client’s intention takes precedence.

As a healer, your intention of bringing the maximum amount of energy through is all that is needed. From that point on, all you can provide is the intention that the client will use it for their highest and greatest good – which may not be to heal themselves if a life lesson of unwellness is involved.

The lesson for you is not to become vested in an outcome that you would wish for yourself. This is the client’s story. You are an excellent conveyer of energy and need not find any other way to do your job.

When it comes to your son, or for that matter any family member or close friend, it is more difficult to help them because your intention for them is perfection. You are not just an outside practitioner bringing in the healing energy but a person who knows them well enough to be a part of their life. If they are not well it affects you, and you therefore have an interest in healing them. In these circumstances, your mind is not on healing but on changing their life status and direction – which is clearly not a part of your job as a purveyor of energy.

Physical health and vulnerability

Tuesday, April 30th, 2019

QUESTION: Masters, I have noticed that when I wake from a mildly bad dream, I can see a little being outlined in bright light taunting me. Am I correct that it is a low vibration entity trying to influence me to become scared and experience a nightmare? I then will do a clearing to reiterate that I am in a safe place and negative entities are not allowed and must leave. I’ve noticed that it’s happening more. I have been sick with a pain condition and then pneumonia. Is it possible that I’m in a lower vibration because of that which makes it easier for negative entities to try to influence me? Is there anything else I can try, especially when I’m struggling a bit physically? ~Aj, USA

ANSWER: The entity you observe is attempting to get you to embrace negativity in whatever form to which it can entice you. Doubts, fears, concerns – anything against your normal, loving self will do. You are complicit because you have already determined that the experience you were going through was “bad” or negative. Nothing has a color or feeling until you have assigned one to it. An action has a place within the duality once you decide how you feel about it.

In this scenario, if you take the role of observer only, you don’t choose negative or positive sensations for the event. In order to do this, you must be fully aware of your powers of choice, and that is difficult when the physical body’s input of pain and discomfort is distracting you.

You know that you are in control and how to select those energies which come into contact with you. Start with your protections before you go to sleep, and you will not have to chase off unwanted entities after you awake. Ask your guides to be of assistance and increase your energy output, which is diminished by your physical condition. Work on restoring your normal flow of energy by re-balancing your body to health.

Don’t label experiences as good or bad; just see them as opportunities for more information concerning the human experience of your soul.